How To Overcome Writers’ Block, For Bloggers
There are many remarkable ways you can curb the writer’s block with the internet. In this post, I will run you through some simple ideas you can use to overcome this part-time malady.
You can beat any kind of writer’s block by using Google for ideas and making Google searches to find new inspiration. You can make a list of things to write about when you have writer’s block and revisit your list whenever you need help. You can write about that boring topic you have been avoiding, or visit your competitors and look for something they have covered terribly, write about that topic.
Table of content
- 1 Keep a list of topics you want to write about
- 2 Make google searches to find new ideas for writer’s block
- 3 Ask for help when you are stumped for ideas
- 4 Write a pillar post when you have writer’s block
- 5 Take a break
- 6 Pick a topic from something you have already written about
- 7 Just write
- 8 Ask your audience
- 9 Whenever you get an idea write it down for later
- 10 stop using your tech
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1 Keep a list of topics you want to write about
Making a list may seem too simple and for some, an obvious thing that they already do when writing articles online. Still, it is a massive help when you have several ideas already penned out but not completely covered. I find that making a list of things I want to write about helps with two huge problems that all writers face. Number one consistency, a list will repeatedly prompt you to write about something, you may want to revamp the title altogether. The second advantage of having a list is that a week, month or year ago when you wrote it, some ideas were deemed too unworthy of writing about.
Well, it is time to revisit some old ideas and find some enlightenment. No matter how blocked, you are now reading that used list could make all sorts of light bulb ideas come to life.
2 Make google searches to find new ideas for writer’s block
I know most people already use this for writing prompts, but you can take this a step further by making a search query and scrolling to the bottom of the page, there you will find even more ideas about the one topic you searched for. I searched for “writers of the Victorian period” and look at what was at the bottom of the page.
If you take a title heading, use it for a writing prompt, do it like this so that you get a feel of what other people are searching for. It is a limitless way in which you can curb your writer’s block.
3 Ask for help when you are stumped for ideas
Some people keep there blogging life a secret because they do not want to be laughed at and I get that, but surely there is someone you told a friend, cousin, sibling, or a parent. Tell them what your niche is, give them a short rundown of the topics you have already written about and tell them to provide you with some suggestions.
It does not matter if the suggestion made was not spot on you will be inpired to write something even if they give you a random tandum suggestion.
4 Write a pillar post when you have writer’s block
Do not overlook this. When you face writer’s block a make a topic like “40 ways to do something online”, and then start writing and researching. It is incredibly easy to write a post about thirty to forty things because you do not need to write exhaustively on each item. Try it!
I wrote 34 way to make money online, and the title initially was “40 ways to make money online”. If you are wondering why I deducted six topics, it was because the post was becoming too long.
So if you made a title that was something like “40 quick ways to do something your topic is relevant to” then you could just write down some constructive text without writing extensively.
5 Take a break
I do this every week, and you should try it too. Just switch off your entire routine and do nothing. If you are at a standstill and nothing seems to work or make sense, then just let it go for a day or a few hours. Do something you enjoy instead even if it is reading your favourite novel, watching a favourite show, or playing a video game.
Yes, you should blog consistently, and yes your website will improve, and that will increase your income, but you are not a mindless drone, and everyone needs a short time to switch off and recharge.
6 Pick a topic from something you have already written about
Just skim through your blogs and look for a sub-heading that is not so surely or thoroughly written look for a blog topic that is, in fact, huge but you have not written about it to its full potential.
An example of this could be this post I am writing now. For overcoming writer’s block, there are hundreds if not thousands of different things anyone can do to get over it and move on, but I have certainly not covered them all.
So if I had to find a topic within this very blog my headings would go something like this:
- 10 stupid-simple ways to blog without a blogging list
- how to overcome writer’s block by watching television
- simple steps to conquer writers blog short notice
Some of these headings may seem silly, but I usually make a Google search and adjust them a tiny bit to get a more polished title. By that time, I am quite confident as to what I am writing about; furthermore, some ideas have sowed their seeds in my head.
7 Just write
You may be rolling your eyes at the sub-heading, but if you just write about a topic even if it is not niche specific. I know it sounds impossible or random but writing like this and then leave your writing for an hour. When you revisit your work, you can adjust it, correct it, make it specific to one particular topic, and yes you will find something great.
Writer’s block does not end instantaneously; it can take a few days or hours to overcome, but you will overcome it by prompting yourself.
8 Ask your audience
If you have your comments enabled and you interact with your readers then ask them to tell you what they want you to write about. Maybe ask your audience to give you the top five things they want you to write about and why.
Usually, there are two benefits of interacting with your reader’s; the first is that it makes an excellent user-friendly experience and reader’s often enjoy being able to communicate with you. The other plus of talking to your audience is that they will ask you questions that will give you writing prompts right of the bat.
The only downside of interacting with an audience is the negative input most people will share with you. If you do not like too much negativity and you are sensitive to what other people think they do not even allow comments on your blog post page. Trust me when I say if you write about the most harmless and benign topic, someone somewhere is going to drag you through the mud verbally. Ignore them.
9 Whenever you get an idea write it down for later
It may be that you are busy at work, jogging or doing some other regular activity and you get an idea about something you can write about on your site. Add this idea to your phones note pad and repeatedly add thoughts whenever they come up this way, you will always have a growing list that you can tap into whenever needed.
Do not let your ideas slip away into the world of “the forgotten”. Keeping notes consistently of your thoughts will save you a lot of time when you are sitting at the computer, not knowing what to write about. Write down your thoughts as they come, no matter how absurd they may seem at times. I do this, and some times I cannot understand what on earth came over me for such an excellent or terrible idea. I think it was maestro Beethoven who would write notes all over his music and only he could make sense of; no one else could decipher his notes.
10 stop using your tech
If absolutely nothing has worked for you thus far then just switch off all your tech and do something like reading, swimming, sleeping or just chating with a friend. Sometimes all anyone needs is a break.
It is easy to say that “just switch off all your electronics” but this is not so easily accomplished, do it anyway because it can help you relax and get refreshed. Staring continually at your monitor or phone is draining in many ways, and it gives me a headache, so being disconnected can help with getting new, refreshed ideas.
My final thoughts
In truth, it is different for everyone, and we all have a unique way in which we can overcome any obstacle. Some things work, and others never will but find what works for you and go for it. Writer’s block is just a speed bump in the road so take it slow, get a refreshment and move forward.
I sometimes go for a swim when I get writer’s block, what do you do?